Pursue Multicultural Coexistence in Japan

Welcome to CoExistNippon, a comprehensive platform that promotes mutual understanding between local and foreign residents in Japan. We offer three core features: CoExistNippon Wiki, Voices of Senpais, and Cross-Cultural Harbor. Each caters to specific user roles and provides unique resources and functionalities. (For details on our issue setting and methodologies, visit our About page.)

What Can I Do Here?

First, by clicking on one of the the images, identify the role that best describes you. Then, explore the instructions to learn how to get started with the features that best suit your needs.


Native/Half Japanese
with Japanese Nationality


Long-term Residents
without Japanese Nationality


Incoming/Recent Arrivals
without Japanese Nationality

As a Japanese

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CoExistNippon Wiki

CoExistNippon Wiki

As a Japanese

CoExistNippon Wiki, a collaborative online guidebook, allows you to contribute your knowledge of Japanese customs and social norms. Help bridge the gap and make life in Japan smoother for newcomers!

Recommended Actions
(✅ : All Visitors | ⚡ : Registered Users)
⚡ Comment on an Existing Page
⚡ Edit an Existing Page
⚡ Create a New Page

Tutorial Video for CoExistNippon Wiki
(Subtitles available in Japanese, English, Chinese)

Voices of Senpais

Voices of Senpais

As a Japanese

Voices of Senpai lets you hear stories from foreigners who have settled in Japan. Their experiences can help you understand their challenges and how to welcome them better!

Recommended Actions
(✅ : All Visitors | ⚡ : Registered Users)
✅ Read an Existing Post
⚡ Comment on an Existing Post

Cross-Cultural Harbor

Cross-Cultural Harbor

As a Japanese

Cross-Cultural Harbor offers surveys on a variety of situations. You can vote for your own perspective and see the results. This will help you understand the dominant mindsets in Japan and the diverse range of viewpoints people hold!

Recommended Actions
(✅ : All Visitors | ⚡ : Registered Users)
✅ See Results of Surveys
⚡ Attend a Survey
⚡ Comment on a Category of Surveys
⚡ Request for a New Survey

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As a Senpai

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CoExistNippon Wiki

CoExistNippon Wiki

As a Senpai

CoExistNippon Wiki, a collaborative online guidebook, allows you to not only learn about Japanese customs and social norms but also share your knowledge. Help bridge the gap and empower newcomers to thrive in Japan!

Recommended Actions
(✅ : All Visitors | ⚡ : Registered Users)
✅ Read an Existing Page
⚡ Comment on an Existing Page
⚡ Edit an Existing Page
⚡ Create a New Page

Tutorial Video for CoExistNippon Wiki
(Subtitles available in Japanese, English, Chinese)

Voices of Senpais

Voices of Senpais

As a Senpai

Voices of Senpai is a platform where you can share your experiences of adjusting to life here. From overcoming challenges to hidden gems you discovered, your stories will be valuable for newcomers navigating their Japan adventure.

Recommended Actions
(✅ : All Visitors | ⚡ : Registered Users)
✅ Read an Existing Post
⚡ Contribute a New Post
⚡ Comment on an Existing Post

Cross-Cultural Harbor

Cross-Cultural Harbor

As a Senpai

Cross-Cultural Harbor offers surveys on a variety of situations. You can vote for your own perspective and see the results. This will help you understand the dominant mindsets in Japan and the diverse range of viewpoints people hold!

Recommended Actions
(✅ : All Visitors | ⚡ : Registered Users)
✅ See Results of Surveys
⚡ Attend a Survey
⚡ Comment on a Category of Surveys
⚡ Request for a New Survey

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As a Newcomer

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CoExistNippon Wiki

CoExistNippon Wiki

As a Newcomer

CoExistNippon Wiki, a collaborative online guidebook, allows you to learn about Japanese customs and social norms. Help bridge the gap and make your life in Japan smoother!

Recommended Actions
(✅ : All Visitors | ⚡ : Registered Users)
✅ Read an Existing Page
⚡ Comment on an Existing Page

Tutorial Video for CoExistNippon Wiki
(Subtitles available in Japanese, English, Chinese)

Voices of Senpais

Voices of Senpais

As a Newcomer

Voices of Senpai gives you a chance to hear firsthand from experienced foreigners in Japan! Here, you can learn valuable tips and insights about adjusting to life here. These experiences will help you navigate your own Japan adventure more smoothly!

Recommended Actions
(✅ : All Visitors | ⚡ : Registered Users)
✅ Read an Existing Post
⚡ Comment on an Existing Post

Cross-Cultural Harbor

Cross-Cultural Harbor

As a Newcomer

Cross-Cultural Harbor offers surveys on a variety of situations. You can vote for your own perspective and see the results. This will help you understand the dominant mindsets in Japan and the diverse range of viewpoints people hold!

Recommended Actions
(✅ : All Visitors | ⚡ : Registered Users)
✅ See Results of Surveys
⚡ Attend a Survey
⚡ Comment on a Category of Surveys
⚡ Request for a New Survey

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