Japan, like many countries with declining birth rates and aging populations, faces a labor shortage. To address this, the government has embraced immigration as a necessary solution. While official statistics show a decreasing birth rate among Japanese nationals, the foreign population is steadily growing. It is projected that foreign residents will soon constitute a significant portion of Japan’s domestic population.

Population and Population Change Rate of Japanese Nationals

Population and Population Change Rate of Non-Japanese People

Source: 令和2年国勢調査-⼈⼝等基本集計結果からみる我が国の外国⼈⼈⼝の状況

However, compared to other countries, integrating into Japanese society can be more challenging and time-consuming for foreign residents. This difficulty is often attributed to various factors, including language barriers, insufficient understanding about living in Japan, limited opportunities for interaction, and even instances of discrimination.

While the Japanese government has advocated for multicultural coexistence for some time, we believe there might be a blind spot in their approach. Current efforts seem to place the onus primarily on local citizens, encouraging them to respect human rights, develop intercultural understanding, and improve communication skills. While these efforts are crucial, we, as foreign residents ourselves, believe we also share a responsibility to adapt and integrate into the local community.

Therefore, we have established CoExistNippon, this comprehensive platform, designed to equip new foreign residents with the knowledge and tools needed to navigate life in Japan and foster positive interactions with locals. Through three key functionalities, this website aims to contribute to a more inclusive and successful experience for local and foreign residents in Japan.

CoExistNippon Wiki
→ Learning About Local Customs

This section connects individuals willing to share and learn about local customs and “common sense” practices, bridging the cultural gap.

Voices of Senpais
→ Managing Expectations

This section features “Senpai” (experienced foreign residents) sharing their personal experiences and insights, helping newcomers manage their initial expectations and adjust to reality as well as assisting the locals’ understanding about the situations of foreign residents.

Cross-Cultural Harbor
→ Understanding Collective Mindsets

This section facilitates mutual understanding by collecting and illustrating diverse perspectives on different scenarios, improving understanding of the common way of thinking within Japanese society.

We believe that by joining our community, new foreign residents will find it easier to acclimate and build positive relationships with locals in Japan.