Bringing Back Souvenirs Customs

One aspect of Japanese culture that intrigued me at my beginnings was the tradition of omiyage, bringing back souvenirs for friends or colleagues after a trip. It was a gesture of gratitude, but I soon learned it also came with the expectation of reciprocity. In Japan, I note that there is a strong sense of obligation to reciprocate gifts, often with something of equal value. This was a kind of contrast to my own culture, where gifts were given without necessarily the expectation of receiving something in return. Budgeting for omiyage became a part of my travel plans, ensuring thoughtful gifts that wouldn’t burden the recipients by being mindful of the type and value of the gift. Yet, I was pleasantly surprised to find that this culture of reciprocity was reciprocal in itself. Just as I gave, so did my friends when they traveled. It was a beautiful cycle of appreciation, bridging cultural differences in unexpected ways.


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