Category Voices of Senpais

Posts submitted by senpais.

Inbound-don in Japan

The expensive raw fish rice bowl in Japan is called “Inbound-don”. The characteristic of this bowl is that it’s extremely expensive for local Japanese (like this one, it cost 7000 yen). However, as it tastes really good, I think it’s…

Unspoken rules

There are so many unspoken rules in Japan making it even more challenging for a foreigner to follow all of them. But let’s try to adapt. As a foreigner, it’s crucial to observe carefully to understand the culture and the…

Bringing Back Souvenirs Customs

One aspect of Japanese culture that intrigued me at my beginnings was the tradition of omiyage, bringing back souvenirs for friends or colleagues after a trip. It was a gesture of gratitude, but I soon learned it also came with…

Environment if opportunities

When I arrived in Japan, I could feel the atmosphere full of opportunities and the inspiring environment ^^ I wanted to do everything at once but I learned to contemplate the environment and be patient with myself. Through the lessons…


“Life in Japan is very convenient with numerous facilities and opportunities, especially when you live in cities like Kobe. Living in Japan requires adapting oneself to the society and its codes and manners. One thing that I think is important…

Culture Shock

As a foreign, when you enter Japan, you will be shocked by special culture Japanese people have. Where ever you face a Japanese person, after finishing the communication with him, he will lend himself or herself half a metre for…

Honne vs Tatemae

It has been about a year and a half since I came to Japan from my hometown, Taiwan. Since Taiwan was once a colony of Japan and is geographically close, there are many similarities in life between the two countries.…

A Land of Contrasts (Template)

This is a template for a fictional story that you can use as inspiration.   Three years ago, I left the vibrant chaos of Mumbai for the ordered serenity of Tokyo. It was a journey fueled by curiosity and a…