Plan to start or just started a living in Japan?
Here are insights and experience from “Senpais” after their living in Japan for a while.

Inbound-don in Japan

The expensive raw fish rice bowl in Japan is called “Inbound-don”. The characteristic of…

Unspoken rules

There are so many unspoken rules in Japan making it even more challenging for a foreigner to follow…

Bringing Back Souvenirs Customs

One aspect of Japanese culture that intrigued me at my beginnings was the tradition of omiyage…

Environment if opportunities

When I arrived in Japan, I could feel the atmosphere full of opportunities and the inspiring…


“Life in Japan is very convenient with numerous facilities and opportunities, especially when…

Culture Shock

As a foreign, when you enter Japan, you will be shocked by special culture Japanese people have…

Honne vs Tatemae

It has been about a year and a half since I came to Japan from my hometown, Taiwan. Since Taiwan was…

A Land of Contrasts (Template)

This is a template for a fictional story that you can use as inspiration.   Three years ago, I…

Beyond the Polite Smiles (Template)

This is a template for a fictional story that you can use as inspiration. When I first arrived in…

* People might have experiences that contradict each other’s, but let’s embrace everyone’s personal insights and create a more inclusive community.