Moving House

From CoExistNippon Wiki

Moving greetings are a common courtesy in Japan. They can have many benefits, such as learning about your new area, avoiding conflicts, and building community. However, there are also some potential drawbacks to not moving greetings. Ultimately, the decision of whether or not to move greetings is a personal one.[1]

Pros of moving greetings

Learn about the area

Moving can be a time of great change, and it can be helpful to learn about the area you're moving to. Neighbors can provide information about local businesses, schools, and other resources.

Avoid neighborhood conflicts

Moving greetings can help you learn about neighborhood rules and expectations. This can help you avoid conflicts with neighbors over things like noise or parking.

Build community

Moving greetings can help you build relationships with your neighbors. This can be helpful in times of need, such as a natural disaster or an emergency.

Cons of not moving greetings

Increased risk of conflict

If you don't move greetings, your neighbors may not know you or your family. This can increase the risk of conflicts over noise or other issues.

Negative first impression

Some people may view not moving greetings as rude or inconsiderate. This could make it difficult to build relationships with your neighbors in the future.

Less help in times of need

In the event of an emergency, your neighbors may be less likely to help you if they don't know you.

Scope of moving greetings

The scope of moving greetings depends on the type of house you live in and whether or not you have family members living with you.

For a single-family home

Greet the neighbors on both sides of your house, across the street, and behind you. You may also want to greet the neighborhood association leader.

For an apartment

Greet the neighbors on both sides of your unit. You may also want to greet the neighbors above and below your unit.

For a rental property

Greet your landlord and property manager.

For a household with children

It is a good idea to bring your children with you when you go for moving greetings. This will help you get to know the neighbors and make them feel more comfortable around your children.

Exception: For a single woman

There are a few reasons why it is not advisable for women living alone to greet their neighbors. First, it could make them a target for crime. Second, if there is a dispute with a neighbor, a woman living alone could be seen as being at a disadvantage. If a woman living alone does decide to greet her neighbors, it is important to take precautions to stay safe. This could include bringing a male friend or family member with her, or visiting during daylight hours.

Timing of moving greetings

The best time to go for moving greetings is the day before you move. This will give you a chance to introduce yourself to your neighbors and apologize in advance for any noise or inconvenience your move may cause.

The best time of day to go for moving greetings is between 10:00 AM and 12:00 PM or between 1:00 PM and 4:00 PM. Avoid lunchtime and the evening rush hour. If you are unable to find the neighbors at home during the day, you can try again in the evening. If you are still unable to find them, you can leave a greeting card and a gift in their mailbox or on their doorknob.

Etiquette of moving greetings

It is customary to bring a gift when you go for moving greetings. A good gift is something that is relatively inexpensive and practical, such as a box of cookies or a gift certificate to a local store. You should also put a gift tag on the gift with your name and the date.

When you go for moving greetings, it is important to be polite and respectful. Introduce yourself and your family members, and explain why you are moving. You should also apologize in advance for any noise or inconvenience your move may cause.

Here are some additional tips for moving greetings:

  • Dress neatly and professionally.
  • Be prepared to answer questions about yourself and your family.
  • Be positive and friendly.

Moving greetings are a good way to introduce yourself to your new neighbors and build a positive relationship with them.[2]
